Kubernetes Atlas integration

If you've followed the install guide, Atlas already has access to your Kubernetes cluster.


Public beta. This integration is available to all Atlas users, but the API may change.

Configuring Atlas

In install/kubernetes/overlays/staging/atlas.yml make sure that kubernetes is registered as an adapter in the Atlas configuration.

        - adapterRef:
              kind: Kubernetes
              apiVersion: moment.dev/adapters/v1alpha1
              name: kubernetes

and at the bottom of the file:

kind: Kubernetes
apiVersion: moment.dev/adapters/v1alpha1
    name: kubernetes

If you needed to modify this file, follow the instructions in our installation guide to apply the Kustomize overlay.

Deploying Atlas to your Kubernetes environment

Follow our install guide to deploy Atlas to your Kubernetes environment.

Testing your integration

You can make requests with atlasProxyFetch to any Kubernetes endpoint. Here, we'll retrieve all the namespaces in our Kubernetes cluster.

Add a code cell to your canvas with the following:

const res = await atlasProxyFetch("/v1alpha1/instances", {
    headers: { "Atlas-Apis-Kubernetes-Clusterid": clusterID },
return res.json();

clusterID is your own Kubernetes cluster ID. You can find your cluster ID by running kubectl get ns default -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'.

Last updated