mom Atlas CLI tooling

Atlas's recommended setup and configuration is located in Atlas Config settings. Moment’s official CLI mom has built-in amenities for interacting with Atlas, but it's in the process of being deprecated in favor of the Atlas configuration in the app.

This document covers the basics of using this CLI: installing, configuring, and using it to interact with Atlas.

Prerequisite: mom CLI Installation

To install mom:

  1. Download the architecure-specific binary for your operating system using curl. For example, curl --output mom or on Windows curl --output mom.exe. The latest release of mom CLI is v0.3.64.

  2. Move the mom binary to a location on your PATH. For example, if your mom binary is currently in your Downloads directory, on macOS you would do sudo mv ~/Downloads/mom /usr/local/bin.

  3. Make sure the binary is executable using. On macOS this would be chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mom.

  4. Check that you get help text by typing mom.

To upgrade mom:

Basic Usage

mom has 3 main commands:

  • auth: Log in and out of the Moment service, generate certificates for local instances of Atlas, etc.

  • atlas: Generate and modify Atlas configuration files; run instances of Atlas locally.

  • curl: Send authenticated HTTP requests to an Atlas instance.

Logging in

To log in to the Moment service, run mom auth login. This will open a browser window where you can log in to the Moment service.

Configuring Atlas

Adding HTTP API integration

Generate Atlas configuration in the app instead of using mom

Atlas provides integrations for several popular HTTP APIs. Integrating Atlas with those APIs generally requires provisioning API credentials, configuring Atlas to use them, and then deploying Atlas, e.g., to ECS or Kubernetes.

The guides in that directory explain how to do all of the above for many popular APIs. The installation guides explain how to deploy Atlas (e.g., to ECS and Kubernetes).

mom helps to speed up the process by making it easier to change Atlas configuration. Supposing we already have a provisioned API credential, we can use mom atlas config add-http-adapter to configure Atlas to use it. Here is an example that configures Atlas to proxy traffic to

 mom atlas config add-http-adapter \
    -f atlas-staging.yml \
    --adapter-name github \
    --base-url \
    -H 'Authorization: token ${{ GITHUB_TOKEN }}'

We can then test this integration with mom curl:

# Returns the authenticated user's profile as a JSON object.
mom curl /v1/apis/http/github/user

Proxying authenticated requests with mom curl

As shown above, mom curl can be used to send authenticated HTTP requests to an Atlas instance. mom takes care of authenticating the request, and otherwise works exactly like curl—takes the same arguments, flags, and so on.

# General schema for using Atlas with HTTP APIs
#     mom curl /v1/apis/http/{adapterName}/<path as it appears in the API> [curl-args]
# For example, if we have an HTTP adapter called `github`, and we want to request the `/user`
# endpoint, we'd write the following:
mom curl /v1/apis/http/github/user

By default this command will route requests through, but we can also use the --base-url flag to point to any other URL where an Atlas gateway is running.

Running an instance of Atlas using mom atlas run

We can run an instance of Atlas locally using mom atlas run:

mom atlas run -f atlas-staging.yml

Last updated